By admin Thursday, September 22, 2011 0 comments
The most interesting part of Dani way of life that still exists until today is the pig feast, a festival that used to be performed in ritual and sacred ceremony. When on a wedding the Dani celebrate the party by performing the pig feast as the essence. The Dani pig feast may well be the most important ceremony, relative to its culture, in the world.

The bigget feast is celebrated by an entire alliance once every five years or so. Then, and only then, into the space of two and half weeks are packed all manner of important rituals : weddings, initiations, the final part of funerals and ceremony which have to do with affirmation of leadership and with warfare.

Today, not only at certain ritual ceremony, you can order and attend a pig feast at most Dani villages. Most of local tour operators may arrange a pig feast and perform a traditional dance show on request. Price for a package of pig feast ranges from US$ 300 up to US$ 500 which includes a small or medium size pig, performer and the chief, and a tribal dance.
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